the public trust has been betrayed

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A Word to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal Government.Why have you betrayed the Public Trust?
Take notice that you are on trial in The World Wide Internet Court of Public Opinions !
For years you've grown accustomed to always getting your way. You have become so used to getting everything you want that you cannot imagine losing or being defeated! So now be afraid of this internet court exposing the truth worldwide.
Why did you weaponize the healthcare system and mainstream media against the Canadian people?
Canadians living in Justin Trudeau's Canada, where the judiciary and police institutions will not uphold the rights of citizens, where the media is afraid to report the truth, where lawlessness abounds. Ordinary people are left unprotected and defenceless against the greed of a few. The answer to our dilemma is for people of courage to help each other. Only if we unite can we succeed? That is the only way. There is no other way. People stand up with the Canadian Trucker's Freedom Convoy for Canada's Rights and Freedoms to make good choices your family's future. It is time for The Court of Public Opinion to pass judgment on you! For the truth shall set us free. The world is now watching Canada, Please support the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa to end the mandates and unconstituation emergency measures put in place by Justin Trudeau's Government. We want to live free, not ruled by the Globalists and the New World Orders tyranny.
God Bless Canada by www.peoplestandup.caCarrying the message
God Bless Canada by www.peoplestandup.caCarrying the message

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Freedom convoy 2022 live news canada

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Rebelnews website
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Saturday February 12, 2022 | 10:00am - 1:00pm
Slow Roll Convoy For Freedom
- Nova Scotia Enfield Big Stop
Slow Roll Convoy For Freedom Enfield Big Stop, trucks, Cars, everyone invited lets show our support on this labore. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit.
Nov 28, 2022 | 11:00am
How to live better - with Jerry Dameron
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit.